Do Not be a Bystander: Gender-based Violence Anywhere is a Threat to Peace and Security Everywhere

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The global threat of gende-based violence (GBV) is present everywhere—from Indonesia, the largest island nation in the world, to Lebanon, and Uganda, the Pearl of Africa. Rutgers International, through its Generation G programme, has collaborated with different organisations from different countries to equip young leaders from patriarchal societies to address the root cause of gender inequality, and defend their rights in the face of rigid traditions.

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Yayasan Gemilang Sehat Indonesia (YGSI) merupakan lembaga non-profit atau NGO yang bekerja di Indonesia sejak 1997 untuk isu Hak Kesehatan Seksual dan Reproduksi (HKSR), serta pencegahan Kekerasan Berbasis Gender dan Seksual (KBGS). Kami percaya bahwa seksualitas dan kesehatan reproduksi manusia harus dilihat secara positif tanpa menghakimi dan bebas dari kekerasan.

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